The Elysian
TH7 War Base – Anti Dragons/Hogs
- Anti-Dragons: The excellent positioning of Air Sweeper and Air Defenses can deal with any Mass Dragon attack! All Air Defenses are protected by high HP buildings.
Excellent funnel against Dragon attacks from South and North. Most attackers will attack from these directions. - Air Sweeper is placed away from the Air Defenses and protecting the South. Most attackers start attacking from the South because ADs are much easier to get from there and yes, the Dragon army will get blow away and spread out. If they don’t like the AS and attack from the North, Dragons just can’t even hit the last AD.
- Centralized Clan Castle: Can’t lure out troops without using Balloons or Hogs.
- Anti-Hogs: Perfect Spring Traps placements and the Double Giant Bomb at the bottom can take out lots of Hogs and Giants regardless of where the attacker drops Hogs.
- Anti-Balloons: All Air Defenses are protected by Air Traps and other Defenses, as well as protected by other ones to deal as much damage as possible. 2 Additional Archer Towers in the core can deal lots of more damage to air troops and cover the whole base.
- You can move 2 outside Builder Huts to the left and right corner. Attacker usually drops theBarbarian King on 1 Builder Hut but If he want to destroy the another one locating at the opposite side immediate, he will need to remove 1 Dragon from the army. Lots of solid attacks end up with just 2 stars because of the last Builder Hut!