Facebook is one of the most popular social media website, which was created to make online community, groups and friends. It also has many features like sharing photos, videos and interests. For some security purpose, it assigns a unique identification number for each member of theFacebook. Earlier, you can get the id from the url of your profile page, but after 2009, it’s not possible. But there is a way to get the Facebook admin id.
2 By default, you will be taken to
the home page after you log in. To go to your profile page, Click “ name profile” (facebook name), which is found on the left top of the page.
3 On your profile page, click the profile picture below to yourfacebook display name, which redirects you to your Photo Album.
4 Move the cursor to the browser URL bar, where you will type the web addresses. There you can find series of numbers like,
(Highlighted number is your facebook admin id).
5 In the photo album page, if you couldn’t get the id, then click any one of the picture and do the step 4.
- In some cases, you can find the admin id in the profile page url iself. In profile page, you can find after “id=xxxxxxxxx” which is your admin id. For example:
(Highlighted number is your admin id).